Hi, and welcome back to another blog, this time it is on the subject of faith; my faith.
I would like to share with you my story; how and why I came to faith. Personally I think it’s an interesting story, but then again I would, ha! However, to keep the length of each blog to a minimum, my story will start in part 2.
In this blog I want to set the stage, so to say. First, who will the blogs be addressed to? Well, it is to everyone; believers and non believers, those with an open mind, those who are curious, those who are looking for answers to questions of their own.
As the title of this blog suggests, I also want to talk a little bit about the society in which we live; try to address a few issues; technology, morals etc.
I am aware that by sharing one's faith in today's societal climate may offend some people, but this is not my intention. Just because I have found my faith, it doesn’t mean I believe that I am better than anyone else, I’m not. I’m an average man trying to learn to live righteously in today’s world. I make mistakes and yes, even after being saved, I sin.
I will be as honest as I can while not shying away from topics which I deem important, but I am aware that this may offend some people.
The ultimate aim of this blog or blog series is to share the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m not a preacher nor an expert. I won’t be giving you a hard sell, but like I mentioned above, I just want to share my story and hopefully spark an interest in you so that you, a person with an open mind, will want to investigate more, do some digging and hopefully find the truth for yourself; not a truth, but The Truth.
Let’s begin.
Societal Decline?
For the most part, I think we can call ourselves blessed to be living in the western world with its ‘current’ freedoms. However, in a world of technological advances which should provide endless beneficial opportunities socially and in the field of health and wellbeing, we find ourselves living in a world where physical and mental health issues are on the rise.
With an endless amount of information at our fingertips where we have the opportunity to advance ourselves physically, mentally and morally, we find ourselves living in a society which (with what seems like an abundance of evidence to support this; TV, Music, Movies etc) is in moral decline.
Technology - Benevolent vs. Malevolent
Technology has its uses, used for a single purpose with benevolent intentions it can help improve the lives of all humans; improve health and quality of life. We already use technology in many ways to improve quality of life; take the hearing aid as an example and technology which has enabled me to write this blog.
Used malevolently however, technology can become a tool for corrupt governments and organisations, used against its own people. I will most likely cover more on “malevolent governments” in future posts; so get your tin foil hats ready lol.
Technology used with good intentions at its heart has the amazing potential to improve the lives of all humans, but how do you measure good intentions, how do you define benevolent actions? I believe this is achieved with morality. Actions underpinned by unchanging divine morals.
Now, I can hear you saying “divine morals; that means God given right?” Unashamedly, that’s exactly what I mean. So, I expect at this point, most people would stop reading this blog, but for those of you with an open mind, I shall continue.
Man’s Law vs God’s Law
I think most people, even if they are not religious, will have heard of the 10 Commandments. These commandments could be split into two sections. The first section consists of the first 4 commandments which teach us how to live in relation to God, the second section, the last 6 commandments teach us how we should live in relation to each other. All these commandments are there to help us live the best life possible.
Written In Stone
I am sure you will have heard of this phrase. It means to be permanently fixed or firmly established; incapable of being changed, and it's of no surprise that the origins of this saying can be attributed to the 10 Commandments which were actually written in stone. Here we have a set of laws handed down by God Himself, which cannot be changed by man.
The Commandments and The Law
The 10 Commandments have inarguably shaped Western laws and our societies.
Written by Steven K Green, “The Fount of Everything Just and Right? The Ten Commandments as a Source of American Law” explains it well.
Man’s Laws and Their Effect On The World
From a Christian standpoint, man is a fallen being, fallible and carnal, capable of doing wrong and evil. Without a moral guideline, man (mankind) can break and make his own laws; even changing what once was illegal to being legal.
Throughout history, governments have changed laws to justify persecution of certain minorities. Amongst many other examples, look at what happened in 1930’s and 1940’s Germany.
Carnal and Worldly
Left to our own devices we are ruled by our emotions, live carnally and without a moral code we can justify any action we please. Without something written in stone, an immoral and corrupt government can change any law it sees fit.
What if the government changes the law to make adultery legal? How long will it take before adultery no longer feels immoral? What would be the implications?
Since we have made adultery legal, what about stealing or murder? Where do we draw the line?
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20, New King James Version - Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures)
It's A Crazy World
So, while trying to keep this blog as short as possible I have tried to highlight a few problems with society and how it can go off the rails if not governed by unchangeable laws.
We humans have an amazing capacity to reason, to look at things logically, weigh up the situation and make rational decisions. However we can also fall prey to our emotions, leaving reason and logic behind. The Bible is full of stories where even Kings give in to carnality.
So, I hope I have set the stage where you, the reader, if you choose to follow my story, will try to do the opposite of what the world seems to be doing.
I want you to have a mindset of logic and reason and not let your emotions rule you while you read my story. This way, I hope you will see that my personal beliefs are not meant to insult others nor belittle them in any way, but in fact as an act of love, I want to uplift people and give them hope in this crazy world.
Ultimately, I want them to receive the free gift which I received and see that no matter what the world does to you, God loves you.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16 New King James Bible - New Testament.
Ok, that does it for this blog. Keep an eye out for more of my blogs on faith and some great blogs by Bethan on mental health, as she has been touched by and has more understanding on these issues than me.
Thank you and see you in part 2...
Interesting start. Looking forward to hearing part 2