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Conspiracy Theory Rabbit Hole | Mark's Faith Part 3

Welcome back to Finding my Faith and Part 3.  If you haven’t already read parts 1 and 2, I would strongly recommend you go back to read them first; especially Part 2, ‘The 3 Seeds’.

So, after reading part 2, I bet you will be wondering how I move on from the 3 Seeds to becoming a full blown conspiracy theorist?  Well, sit back, and try to relax, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, so to say.

This blog will be a bit longer than the last; a blog that will fire words, names and terms at you, ones you probably haven’t heard of before. 

Some subjects you might already know about but will only know what I call a “controlled narrative” version.

Some of you may think that I’m a nut job and decide not finish reading this blog. Others may read on just to see how crazy I really am.

Finally others may read on with an open mind and maybe decide to investigate for themselves the subjects raised; I hope this is you.

Seeds planted, let’s see what grows?

Well, the seeds were firmly planted and as time went on I grew more disenchanted with the world around me; governments, mainstream media etc.  

I didn’t see the world the same anymore and even if I tried, I could not erase the suspicion and doubts I had, plaguing my mind and spirit.

A Little White Lie

We all know that Politicians promise one thing and deliver another, right?  We kinda expect it; for example, accepting that they will undoubtedly not follow through on pre-election promises which they make.

Well, as time went on I was seeing more evidence from various sources to back up my feelings of distrust of the “establishment”; no longer seeing just little white lies, but things more serious. 

We all know the stories of Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville, and the cover ups to protect them, especially from the B.B.C.  Well, this just added fuel to the fire.

When you begin to realise that a much loved institution like the B.B.C was lying to you, you also start questioning other news channels and media and start looking elsewhere for news and information.  

However, my personal life was changing bigtime and took center stage for a while. Conspiracies had to wait.

My life moves on.

Some years later after the 3 Seeds had been planted, my marriage ended.  It was a sad time while the divorce went through but within a year I had sold the house, enjoyed a visit to Australia and started a little business.

My new focus was on growing the business and it becoming a vehicle to early retirement and financial security.

Things were going well until the recession of 2008/09 where I had to close my business and think of other things to do.  Long story short, I found myself working abroad and also enjoyed times where I would volunteer and meet some interesting people with different beliefs and ideas about life, history, politics, religion etc and enjoyed some interesting and even shocking conversations.

An alternative perspective.

It was during these conversations that I would learn new and alternative perspectives of history and world events and was introduced to names like  ‘The family Rothschilds and books like the ‘Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion’.  

If you know of these two and whatever your thoughts on the authenticity of the Protocols of Zion and the movie ‘The House of Rothschild’ 1934, it definitely gave me food for thought. Maybe mainstream history was not telling me everything?

Internet & Youtube

As the internet evolved; 2G, 3, 4, 5, and now 6G, platforms like YouTube were where to go for an important source of alternative information.

As you will know, the subject matter on YouTube is endless and can help each and every one of us, from DIY jobs, researching holiday destinations, cooking etc.  

It helped me research how to convert our Transit van; which we will tell you about in a future travel blog .

You definitely have to be careful about the information shared on such platforms and do your due diligence and check the information presented.

As time went on I was following quite a few YouTube channels and being exposed to all sorts of new information.  

I’m Alice In Wonderland

At this point in my conspiracy life I was like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, falling fast down the rabbit hole. I had opened Pandora’s Box and there was no closing it!

I was questioning everything that I would have normally taken as truth and fact.

History Rewritten by those in charge?

I can recall the opening monologue on the movie ‘Braveheart’, where it said;

"I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes."

Yes, I was beginning to think everything we are told about history might not be the entire truth and found myself asking; “Did it really happen this way and for the reasons I was told?”

False Pretenses & Follow the Money!

Have you ever heard of doing something under a false pretense? Doing something when people do not know the truth about you and your intentions?  Well, I was learning more and more about such instances; for example, politicians lying to people about the reason for going to war.  

Having been introduced to such ideas I learned how going to war made big money for those in charge of the lending.  

With wars in mind I looked into the American Revolution (1775-83), the French Revolution (1787 - 1799), The Napoleonic Wars (1803 - 1815) , the Russian Revolution of 1917, both World War 1 & World War 2.  Again, I was looking into alternative views, different possible reasons behind such historical events, not just what we learned in school.

The Money System

Since war made corporations BIG money, I looked into the money system; how money was created and how debt works etc.  Previously, it was strange to me that countries all over the world were in debt and I didn’t understand who they were in debt to.

I then learned about the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.  The “Federal Reserve” is a private company who took over the printing of money from the US Government.

I also learned how money is created ‘now’; out of thin air, no longer backed by anything tangible like silver and gold.

False Flags

Speaking of the Federal Reserve Act, I would learn of the conspiracy that connects this to the Titanic; which sank in 1912.

The term ‘false flag’ was new to me and looking further into it I would see the words false flag also linked to ‘Pearl Harbour’ and ‘The Vietnam War’; the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

In more recent history we have the Gulf War/s.  It’s a matter of fact that ex president Bush Jnr admitted that they never found the WMDs, the reason for entering the war, similar to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Unfortunately we have the heart wrenching moment when the lovely Princess Diana died and all the conspiracy theories behind that. Also, the conspiracies behind the Twin Towers where thousands died tragically at the hands of “terrorists”.

The list of conspiracies seems endless; JFK, the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove…

We also have the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Davos meetings, which are so in our faces that we can’t really call it a conspiracy “theory” when they openly tell us their plans.  I liken Mr K Scwabb to a James Bond villain.

We definitely can’t miss out on the crazy years of what was claimed to be the worst health crisis in human history and what is now being reported in the mainstream media about the side effects of the “miracle cure” which was rushed through, bypassing safety protocols, even MPs are now trying to raise awareness of this global scientific experiment. Talk about the cure being more dangerous than the disease!

If you don’t agree with me in regards to co-vid years, then all I ask you to is keep an eye on the news and the continuing fallout of the so-called life saving injection.

Not all conspiracies are created equal

Yes, it is true, not everything is a conspiracy and we have to be careful not to be sucked into lies and deceptions; we have to do our due diligence.

However, I believe that we have to do our duty, our civic duty, not accept everything we are told by the mainstream as fact and truth.  

History shows what happens when people blindly follow governments; evil ideologies rise up and genocide is a result.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.

As well as doing what I think we all must, I was also kinda enjoying it; like it was a new hobby of mine; re learning history and sharing what I learned with friends and family thus creating some interesting conversations and debates.

Conspiracy Theorists are just normal people

Conspiracy theorists are an eclectic bunch, coming from all walks of life; working class, middle class, upper class; white-collar, blue-collar, atheists, religious, christian, muslim, etc etc. 

We are definitely not extremists or people to be afraid of; we are just normal people who live normal lives but have something inside us that makes us question society and what we are being told.

Don’t get me wrong, bad people can also be part of this group, but then again bad people are in every area of society.  We have to look past the media who tell us that these “conspiracy theorists” are dangerous just because there are a few bad apples in the cart.

When the media focus of people like us, then you know they are worried about something; the truth getting out!

End of the Road for Conspiracy Theorists

I believe that at some point in a conspiracy theorists journey, they come to an end, stop moving forward.

When I say end I don’t mean that they stop being conspiracy theorists, stop looking into new theories or even stop trying to wake people up to what we think is the truth of it all.  What I mean is that they don’t consider something deeper, something more than a grand conspiracy by evil “men” who seem to want to control the world and make it into a paradise for themselves.

Some seem happy and accept that they have gone as far as they can and have found the whole reason why things are as they are. 

Missing piece to my Jigsaw Puzzle.

I liken my continued journey to a giant jigsaw puzzle.  I was piecing together information from here, there, everywhere.  I was looking at what could be likened to a police crime board; parts of history that had originally seemed so random, so disconnected were now coming together; it was like solving a crime.

I was seeing how all these events seem to be linked and seemed to have been well planned and hundreds of years in the making.  However, at the very center of the puzzle, a huge piece was missing.

Kings of Old

If we think of kings of old, they planned and conquered peoples and lands in their own lifetime and maybe hoped to pass it onto their descendants.  A plan, an achievement they would have seen for themselves, satisfying their ego. 

New Kings

However, these “elites”; self proclaimed leaders, kings of the modern world who had put these systems into place over hundreds of years could never have seen them come to fruition, never satisfied their egos.  

So, why did all these historical figures who were instrumental in making world history as we know it, do what they did?  

Was there a deeper reason other than power, control and wealth, ego?

A Spiritual Connection?

Amongst the YouTube channels I was watching, some conspiracy theorists were actually Christians and would talk of biblical events and prophecies.  Could these Christian Conspiracy Theorists be on to something?  Could the missing piece to my giant jigsaw puzzle be a Spiritual piece?  

Thinking of all the wars and conflict; could all that has happened and what is  happening right now, could there also be a spiritual war, a spiritual battle going on? 

It was an interesting angle, one that I was ready and excitingly willing to look into.

Part 3, Conclusion

What if this is all really a spiritual battle?  If it is, we can no longer afford to think of it as only an earthly one, one of flesh and blood.  This I will be discussing in the next blog where I will try to explain why I believe all these world leaders of history did what they did and what really motivated them, what their belief system was and still is to these New Kings.

Your own research.

I strongly recommend you do your own research into any or all of the above information.  Afterall, I am telling you of my personal experiences, my personal journey, and if you decide to look into this further, this will be your personal journey.

Thank you.

I would like to thank you again for reading through this blog and I hope you return to read part 4.

Blessings and love to you all.


Mark in the Scottish Highlands with his Christ cross hat one

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06 juni 2024
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Amazing! Loving this series of blogs. Excited for part 4!!

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